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Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:35 am
by Steve.Martin
So we have over a million sqft on this machine here... We have noticed in the past couple of days that Drawer 1 starts to rattle and evently will trip the open door sensor and throw the error which shuts down the machine then gives a restart prompt. We can stand and hold it shut no problems. If we aren't there to hold it, around 50 to 100 sheets in production it will throw the error. Is there an Adjustment or a bend or bias I can put on the drawer so it wont keep rattling like that? These drawers are such a flimsy design They are worse than Kips or Oces. :) Any ideas would be awesome. Thank you again.


Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:42 pm
by Mark in Vegas
Don't get by here very often, sorry for the delay. If the rattle you have is the same as our 8000's in the drawer, clean every encoder in the drawer. Every motor has one and the transmissions also have one, just remove three screws and the cover to clean the transmission encoder. I've never seen a printer create as much paper dust as this one. Having said that start with the transmissions located at the front of the drawer.

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:50 pm
by Reprohouse
One thing I am finding on these is, the drawer interlock switches are getting bent. Take the cover off (one on each side of drawer) and just bend the switch lever straight. Then tell the operator to take it easy on shutting the drawer :)

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:16 am
by rickjamesand
Whenever you notice a roll bucking or chattering, you have to clean the transmission encoder. All rolls should feed smooth in either direction.

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:38 pm
by cfrepro
I am not getting a rattling sound but I am getting an intermittent highs pitched squeal coming from what appears to be drawer one. Could this cause a Squealing sound?

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:10 pm
by Mark in Vegas
There are so many places to look. The rubber feed rolls are driven by a that shaft runs across the front of the drawer. Where the shaft enters the transmission and the roller, the shaft end becomes worn and starts to squeak. There are also bearings supporting the center of both shafts that cause the same noise. Clean/lube the shaft anywhere it contacts a bearing or coupling. I would avoid WD40.

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:58 pm
by Jeffro
cfrepro wrote:I am not getting a rattling sound but I am getting an intermittent highs pitched squeal coming from what appears to be drawer one. Could this cause a Squealing sound?
I was having that issue as well. There's a white plastic gear driven by the paper input motor on each roll. It's under a cover on the left-hand side of the roll assembly. It doesn't have a bearing and just spins on a metal rod. That was the source of the offensive squealing in mine. Bit of oil on the rod and it went away. There's a lot of stuff that could squeak in there though, so ymmv.

Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:10 am
by BergZangwill
All rolls should feed smooth in either direction.


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Re: Roll Drawer One Rattling

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:13 pm
by jedi4342
Check and make sure the drawer locking latch is working properly. There is a 10 mm bolt that holds the latch in the right place. If it loosens up it will bind and cause an error. Almost sounds like the drawer is wanting to kick open, if you need to hold it closed